Explore a marketplace of ideas at the Assembly Jarmark

14 Jun 2023

The Jarmark “fair” will be a highlight of the Thirteenth Assembly where LWF member churches and partner organizations will showcase their work through exhibits and workshops. The opening day is on 14 September 2023.

Assembly marketplace 2017

Windhoek, Namibia: A carver made custom items in the Omatala, an open space at the Lutheran World Federation's Twelfth Assembly, for exhibitions, workshops, and informal encounters. Photo: LWF/Johanan Celine Valeriano

Showcasing the gifts and work in the LWF Communion 

(LWI) - From 14-19 September, the Assembly venue in Krakow will be animated with “vendors” from across the Lutheran Communion prepared to exchange ideas with participants attending the Jarmark, the word for “fair” in Polish. The Jarmark will be a space for Assembly participants to discover the gifts of the Communion and connect through an exchange of ideas and experiences. 

“The Jarmark will illustrate the range of ways in which church communities and the Lutheran Communion are present around the world” says Julia Brümmer, LWF Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Coordinator who is preparing the Jarmark. “A large range of Lutheran communities and partners from across cultures, countries and walks of life will be together in one space to share their story and hopefully inspire participants.” 

Brümmer says, “participants can expect to connect with LWF member churches, explore the work of related organizations, hear from scholarship holders and delegates from topical working groups or regions, youth and many other groups.” 

The Jarmark will illustrate the range of ways that church communities and the Lutheran Communion is present around the world.

- Julia Brümmer, LWF PMER Coordinator

Exchanging ideas instead of goods  

“It's called marketplace, but the vendors are not there to sell material resources” says Rebekka Meissner, LWF Program Executive for Member Church projects. “Unlike a regular fair, it will be a market to exchange ideas rather than monetary goods. The topics of discussion range from theology, Lutheran identity and ecumenical relations to mission diakonia and humanitarian work. There will be something there for everyone.”   

To take part in the event participants can choose between exploring the exhibits or joining the workshops on the days allocated to the Jarmark on the Assembly calendar. Vendors have already submitted proposals for 40 workshops and 30 exhibitions. 

“The bishop of the Lutheran member church in Ukraine will hold one of the open discussions. It's listed as a workshop, but you won’t really need to work on anything. It will help raise awareness on the situation in the country, the role of the church, and the way LWF is working with the church” Brümmer says. “There are many other interesting topics as well. This is just one.” 

Meissner says that “participants should not miss the unique opportunity to speak directly with the groups and individuals engaging in the work that defines what it means to be Lutheran today. It’s important to have an informed conversation.” 

Different styles of workshops and exhibitions will help tell the story to participants. “While some are more narrative to raise awareness, others are an invitation to engage in conversation” says Brümmer. “One church will be bringing the drawings made by children as an exhibit, which is a completely different approach than an academic discussion.”  

Since there will be so many important and interesting topics, Brümmer encourages participants to “look through the program and pick one, two or three things that maybe you have never heard of before. You will be on your way to discover a new part of the Lutheran community.”

The Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation takes place 13-19 September 2023 in Krakow, Poland. The theme of the Assembly will be "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope." It will be hosted by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. 

LWF/T. Rakoto