Call for youth-led interfaith harmony projects

17 Nov 2023

The LWF has opened applications for proposals of youth-led projects that can be carried out to coincide with World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2024. The goal is to promote interfaith cooperation between people of different religious communities.

Youth lead a climate march

Youth lead a climate march through the venue of the LWF Thirteenth Assembly in Kraków, Poland, last September. Photo: LWF/Jeremiasz Ojrzynski 

LWF offers funding for small-scale projects that can empower youth to build constructive interfaith relationships 

(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is calling for proposals of youth-led, small-scale interfaith projects that can be carried out next February, around the time of the annual World Interfaith Harmony Week. 

Young people from any of LWF’s member churches are encouraged to apply, after seeking endorsement from their church leadership. Only one application per member church may be submitted and LWF can offer funding of up to EUR 1,000 per project. 

Deadline for applications is 17 December 

Each project should be developed in cooperation with other members of local schools, student communities or village groups. The goal is to encourage and empower young people from all faith communities to build constructive and meaningful relations with youth from different religious traditions.  

In particular, the project should enhance the capacity of young people to participate in interfaith peacebuilding, seeking reconciliation and the mending of relationships among conflicting or potentially conflicting religious communities. 

The deadline for applications, complete with church leadership endorsement, is 17 December 2023. The project should be planned to take place between 27 January and 31 March 2024. All proposals and implementation must be led by young people and successful applicants are encouraged to register their proposed projects on the World Interfaith Harmony Week website.

Those wishing to apply for funding should download and complete the youth peace program form that can be found on the LWF Youth Website. Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected] under the heading ‘Interfaith Harmony Project’ by 17 December.

LWF/P. Hitchen