2017 Assembly Plans, LWF Gender Policy to Feature at 2013 Council Meeting

11 Jun 2013


Theme: ‘Called to Be Disciples in Today’s World’


(LWI) The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will hold its annual meeting, 13 – 18 June at the Ecumenical Center in Geneva, Switzerland, focusing on several agenda items including an LWF gender policy and plans for the 2017 Assembly.

“Called to Be Disciples in Today’s World” is the theme for the 2013 meeting of the LWF governing body. Participants include the 49 Council members representing LWF member churches across the globe, advisers and invited guests.

The address of the LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, will elaborate the implications of the Council theme for the global communion of churches.

The report of the General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge will provide an overview of the work carried out by the Lutheran Communion Office since the June 2012 Council meeting in Bogotá, Colombia. Ms Christina Jackson-Skelton (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), chairperson of the LWF Committee for Finance, will report on the organization’s financial performance over the past year, and projections for the coming years.

The Council will take decisions regarding the 500th anniversary of the reformation in 2017. A report will also be presented about preparations for the LWF Twelfth Assembly in 2017, with proposals for a venue and inviting member church. The last assembly was held in Stuttgart, Germany, hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg.

An important ecumenical report, “From Conflict to Communion,” will be submitted to the Council for reception. The publication by the Lutheran – Roman Catholic Commission on Unity will be presented in the presence of Kurt Cardinal Koch, President of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. It documents the first time that Lutherans and Catholics at the global level have worked together to tell the story of the Reformation as part of their commitment to deepen Christian unity.

Council members will be engaged in “a dialogue between generations” with a focus on learning from each other and envisioning a sustainable LWF.  

The governing body will also decide on a gender policy for the LWF, underlining the commitment to gender equality and equal participation by women and men in leadership and service throughout the Lutheran communion.

The Council meeting includes worship life, starting with the opening service on 13 June at the Ecumenical Center chapel, daily morning Bible studies and evening devotions, as well as Sunday worship in the Temple de la Madeleine church in Geneva.

The LWF governing body includes ordained and lay men, women and youth, under the leadership of the LWF President. It meets annually.

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