Dialogues to increase climate action - Session 2

26 May 2021 - All day
Invitation Only
At the lagoon of Alegría, Usulután, El Salvador, water levels have dropped dramatically in the drought that is affecting the region. Here, where the water has receded hundreds of meters, a man carries a “cantaro” of water across the dry lagoon bed. The effect of climate changes in the Central American region are already extreme. Photo: LWF/Sean Hawkey

At the lagoon of Alegría, Usulután, El Salvador, water levels have dropped dramatically in the drought that is affecting the region. Here, where the water has receded hundreds of meters, a man carries a “cantaro” of water across the dry lagoon bed. The effect of climate changes in the Central American region are already extreme. Photo: LWF/Sean Hawkey

Time: 26 May 2021 - All day

A four-part interactive series to raise climate ambition towards COP26

The Lutheran World Federation and ACT Alliance are jointly inviting climate advocates, specifically from the South and Central American regions, to this online series.

It focuses on the intersection between climate resilience, the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), and the COVID-19 pandemic on the climate agenda.

Session 2 facilitates the analysis and coordination of advocacy efforts at the local level.


Event languages: Spanish, and Portuguese


At the lagoon of Alegría, Usulután, El Salvador, water levels have dropped dramatically in the drought that is affecting the region. Here, where the water has receded hundreds of meters, a man carries a “cantaro” of water across the dry lagoon bed. The effect of climate changes in the Central American region are already extreme. Photo: LWF/Sean Hawkey

At the lagoon of Alegría, Usulután, El Salvador, water levels have dropped dramatically in the drought that is affecting the region. Here, where the water has receded hundreds of meters, a man carries a “cantaro” of water across the dry lagoon bed. The effect of climate changes in the Central American region are already extreme. Photo: LWF/Sean Hawkey

Time: 26 May 2021 - All day