Reformation Day 2015: invitation to reflect on theme, Liberated by God’s Grace

15 Oct 2015
The Reformation study booklets are an ideal resource to guide churches toward the 2017 anniversary. Photo: S. Gallay

The Reformation study booklets are an ideal resource to guide churches toward the 2017 anniversary. Photo: S. Gallay

LWF General Secretary’s letter urges member churches to think about what it means to be liberated by God’s grace

(LWI) – As churches move closer towards Reformation Day this year and prepare for the 500th Reformation anniversary, LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge is inviting them to reflect on what it means to be liberated by God’s grace.

In his Reformation Day letter to the LWF member churches, Junge reminds churches that “We are already in the midst of the Reformation anniversary celebrations,” referring to exceptional regional and global gatherings as well as topical booklets published in 2015. He encourages them to participate in the myriad global celebrations of the anniversary, which will peak in 2017.

“Come together with other churches and partners in thinking about what it means to be liberated by God’s grace, and to join in following the call of Jesus Christ in establishing signs of his service and his love in the world,” Junge writes. His letter also emphasizes the ecumenical openness of this commemoration.

“Liberated by God’s Grace” is LWF’s theme for both the Reformation anniversary and the Twelfth Assembly in 2017. Churches worldwide mark Reformation Day or Reformation Sunday each year on or around 31 October, for which the LWF also offers a liturgical resource.

Reformation Day Letters: 

English | French | German | Spanish

Reformation Day liturgy in English, German, French and Spanish

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