Pilgrims on the way to Wittenberg: a documentary in photos

15 Jun 2016
Photo: LWF/Marko Schoeneberg

Photo: LWF/Marko Schoeneberg

More than 200 participants in the LWF Wittenberg Pilgrimage walked from the St Nicolai Church in Coswig along the Lutherweg towards Wittenberg. On the way they stopped at pilgrimage stations to sing and discuss the themes of the 2017 Reformation anniversary, Liberated by God’s Grace and the three sub themes “Human beings – not for sale”, “Creation – not for sale” and “Salvation – not for sale”.

The journey took them through Apollensdorf where they were introduced to the life of refugees and had a chance to examine their own ecological footprint. The last stop of the pilgrimage was the Luther Garden in Wittenberg where the participants had a chance to reflect on their own baptism and on salvation which is not for sale.

Photographer Marko Schoeneberg followed the group and took these pictures.

The pilgrims set off from Coswig and walked through the forest.

The pilgrims were introduced to the process of registering refugees in a camp. A part of that process involved registering the fingerprint of the refugee. 

Joachim Liebig, Dr. Munib A. Younan and Bishop Hubert Berenbrinker (from left to right) in front of the Nikolai church in Coswig.

Rev. Dr Martin Junge spins a flag in front of the Nikolai church in Coswig.

Pilgrims on the way along the Lutherweg.

The pilgrims walked along the Lutherweg.

The first station of the pilgrimage gave an opportunity to think about the theme human beings - not for sale by introducing the pilgrims to the plight of refugees.

The second station offered a chance to examine the theme creation - not for sale by examining one's own ecological footprint.

Pilgrims were divided into groups and given insight into the registration of refugees in a camp.

The third station of the pilgrimage invited participants to think about the theme salvation - not for sale.

Ecumenical partners took part in the pilgrimage, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse-Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches at the third pilgrim station.

The final stop of the pilgrimage was the Luther Garden in Wittenberg.

LWF News

15 June 2016

Meeting in the historic German town of Lutherstad Wittenberg, the 49 members of the LWF Council from member churches around the world are holding their annual governance meeting. The Council oversees the work of the LWF between Assemblies. This year’s meeting theme is Grounded in God’s love - discerning God’s future. It is the last of the present Council before the LWF Assembly next year, at which a new Council will be formed.

Read more about the Council meeting