LWF pushes for peaceful resolution of conflict in Syria and respect for international law

14 Apr 2018
The LWF Council has repeatedly advocated for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Syria. Photo: LWF/M. Renaux

The LWF Council has repeatedly advocated for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Syria. Photo: LWF/M. Renaux

Strengthen the international instruments of justice and peace

(LWI) - Expressing “grave concern over the dangerous escalation of the conflict in Syria” The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) condemns any use of chemical weapons in international and non-international armed conflicts. LWF is furthermore calling for alleged breaches of international law banning the use of chemical weapons to be independently investigated, and addressed thoroughly and swiftly. 

In a statement issued on 14 April, LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa and General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge, on behalf of the global communion of churches, call for “an immediate halt of the spiral of military retaliatory action that is leading the world closer to global military conflict.”

The LWF calls for a response to the current challenges in Syria that would strengthen the international instruments of justice and peace, developed by the global community of states to address conflicts after the traumatic experiences of World War I and II.

The LWF calls upon the leaders of governments and the United Nations to:

  • Make use of the available instruments, conventions and procedures to address any dispute and conflict among and within States, as well as any breach of international obligations;
  • Not to dismiss or ignore these instruments, conventions and procedures, where they may have failed to deliver on their purpose. Instead, urgently reform and improve them so that they work for the sake of humankind;
  • Remain accountable to customary International Law while addressing conflict and alleged breaches of internationally binding conventions. 

The LWF calls upon its member churches to:

  • Pray for justice and peace in the world, and particularly at this time in Syria and the Middle East.
  • Publicly support and advocate for the de-escalation of this spiral of conflict and 
  • Publicly hold their governments accountable to International Law as the only way to safeguard lasting peace and justice in the world

”Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27


Read the statement