Führungskräfte aus den Länderprogrammen des Lutherischen Weltbundes (LWB) trafen sich im Mai 2019 mit den Kolleginnen und Kollegen des Büros der Kirchengemeinschaft in Genf (Schweiz). Jedes Jahr versammelt der LWB-Weltdienst Länderdirektoren, Leiter von Nothilfeteams, Regionalkoordinatoren und andere Mitarbeitende, um wichtige Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Programm- und Managementarbeit zu besprechen. Foto: Albin Hillert/LWB

Systeme und Praktiken

To fulfill our vision and mandate in ever-changing and increasingly more competitive and insecure environments, LWF World Service is committed to having systems and practices that meet the highest of standards. We prioritize effective leadership and change management processes.

We commit sufficient resources to these priorities, creating a shared vision among our staff, developing measurable plans, and achieving some quick results in order to build momentum. We also invest in building technical capacity to implement our operations according to our three programmatic areas.

The nine areas of work outlined below are equally important and not listed in any particular order of priority.

Systems and Practices for Quality Programming

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